Being a Rehabilitation Counsellor and pushing the boundaries for the public good

1. What has shaped the traditional role of RC's?

2. What is the value of the role?

3. How does health and social care operate?

4. What is our value proposition for the public good?


Dr Coralie Wales believe in the sanctity of the therapeutic relationship for healing. She graduated with a PhD from the University of Sydney in 2011 which uncovered, among other things, that the relationship between provider and receiver of chronic pain services is a crucial healing factor for people living with chronic pain. She is also interested in "partnership"- she led a three-year investigation of the partnership experiences of consumers involved in strategic alliances with clinicians and others in service improvement activities inside public health settings in Western Sydney. This was published in 2021. Currently, her research is in the primary health world where in 2023 she organised and facilitated the first Citizens Juries in an Australian Primary Health context to understand the community’s health and social care priorities. This work is values-confirming, especially as the Western Sydney PHN is committed to a permanent Citizens' assembly in Western Sydney.