How many compensable injuries have psychological sequelae?

This brief presentation will provide the results of recent research on the extent of persons who have psychological sequelae as a result of a compensable injury. The data were extracted from a larger cohort of 1466 persons who had undertaken a vocational assessment (2001-2022) for determination of economic loss as part of a claim for compensation for a personal injury (work, motor vehicle or general injury). 

Three categories of psychological sequelae were used: (a) none; (b) minor (post-traumatic neurosis, anxiety state); and (c) major (personality change, cognitive deficit, functional overlay, poor motivation).

About the Presenter

Dr James Athanasou specialises in educational-vocational rehabilitation following personal injury. He was at UTS until he retired in 2008. From 2014, Dr Athanasou took up a 0.4 appointment at The University of Sydney as an Associate Professor in the Discipline of Rehabilitation Counselling in the Faculty of Health Sciences. He retired in December 2018 but continues to supervise doctoral students. He has been in private practice undertaking medico-legal assessment since 1989.

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