Activating Resilience for Return-to-Work Outcomes

In this presentation, we will share how we as Rehabilitation Professionals need to go beyond our core allied health professional skills to learn how to more effectively impart the concepts and practice of resilience through neuro based coaching so that we can help those where more traditional approaches to injury management do not work. We look forward to sharing our results and our recommendations for the future to encourage and inspire rehabilitation professionals in the work that we do which is all about helping people take back control of their following an injury, illness or disability.

About the PresenterS

Jo is all about connecting people to purpose through inspiration and innovation. She is the Founder, Director and Principal Consultant of Purple Co (, a team of specialist allied health consultants dedicated to helping people who experience injury illness and trauma reclaim their lives through work. Jo is passionate about the health benefits of work and truly believes that everyone has the right to meaningful and rewarding employment. Purple Co grew out of this belief as a truncated form of PURpose for peoPLE.

Kylie is a Consultant Rehabilitation Counsellor who has more than 15 years of experience in Case Management and Client-focused services with 10 years of experience in Occupational Rehabilitation. During this time, she has worked for both Private and Government organisations. 

She has experience across both the Workers’ Compensation, Income protection, and CTP markets. She has experience with Return to work (Same employer) as well as Redeployment (New Employer) and has experience in managing Occupational Stress programs.

She has well-developed skills in Vocational, Earning capacity, and Medico-legal assessments as well as Adjustment to Disability and Change Counselling.

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