Dominic Manca

Rehabilitation Counsellor, Psychological Health and Safety Consultant

Dominic is a Rehabilitation Counsellor with over 13 years’ experience working within the psychological safety, industry regulation and rehabilitation, return to work sectors. Dominic has worked for more than 10 of those years in Occupational Rehabilitation and holds a Bachelor of Health Science (Rehabilitation Counselling) and Post Graduate Diploma in Psychological Science. Dominic is a Full Member (MASRC) and Vice President of the Australian Society of Rehabilitation Counsellors (ASORC).

Conference Presentation

Labour market analysis for psychological injuries, demystifying empoyability 

Rehabilitation Counsellors are specialists vocational counsellors and assessors who weigh up the occupational requirements for injured workers to consider when adjusting to injury. But how do we determine the suitability of work for a psychologically injured worker? How can we quantify psychological capacity with the cognitive demands of an occupation? This talk discusses these challenges and the need to recognise psychosocial hazards and risk factors in forming our expert opinions.